Spiritist Society of Virginia

                                                                       Learn, Love and Serve. 
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About Spiritist Society of Virginia
 The Spiritist Society of Virginia (SSVA) was created on June 19, 2007 and incorporated as an educational non-profit organization on January 3, 2011.

 Our goals are to spread the teachings of Spiritism as codified by Allan Kardec and to raise spiritual awareness in our community. We study the relationship of the material and spiritual worlds in order to better understand the purpose and objectives of life.

 We welcome everyone, without distinction as to sex, race, religion or nationality, who is willing to join us in a journey of continued moral progress and righteous discipline.

 The SSVA is here to boost your well-being, while empowering your spiritual growth! Services are the best, and come with a personal touch.  
SSVA Headquarters
SSVA Bookstore
The Book of Prayer
Children's Room